Preparing for athletics day

After morning room 6 and I  were going to play with coach Bart. First we had to run fast and we could run anywhere we liked to run.  After that we were warmed up and then we could play a game called sheepdog.

So two sheepdogs have noodles and they have to catch the other sheep. So when we started it, some of the people were caught and I was caught too .

After we played sheepdog all of us raced to the hedge so we could practice our running. “On your marks, get set, GO!!!” Then  Coach Bart gave us toys so we could measure our height. Then we had to jump over it. Some of the people jumped over theirs and some people jumped much further than their toys.

After that  our lesson was finished. Coach Bart our PE teacher was so proud of us doing  our  athletics skills so well. Even our teacher Mrs Agnew was so proud of us. Then  after that  all of us went back to class and we went back because we were so hot!

Then we started to write a blog about what we had learned at athletics. Here is a picture of us doing athletics skills.



One thought on “Preparing for athletics day

  1. Kia ora my name is Wycliffe. I read your blog “Preparing for athletics day.” It was interesting.

    I enjoyed the part when you said you got caught too.

    Maybe you could add some more pictures to your blog so that we can see all the activities.

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