Tag: Cybersmart

Under the sea -Step it up

Today I have started the second step it up challenge of Under the sea.  I had to make a fish robot that you can use anything to make. So, I made my fish robot that can clean the ocean because I want my robot to make every ocean a healthy ocean as we don’t want our oceans to be polluted.

Here is a picture of my robot that I made.

Taster week activities

On Tuesday Room 6 had to register to the summer learning journey and then we had to do the first activity.  We had to make our own superhero with google drawing, kleki or Crayon but I chose kleki. I had to search up of what superhero I wanted to trace and colour it in.

here is my superhero whose name is called hero boy 


Real or photo shot

Today we were learning to observe  pictures to decide whether they are real or a photo shot like this one up here.

This photo was interesting because this turtle had long legs at the back. and also turtles can not jump that high.

and the really interesting thing that got my attention was the turtle that was catching a Frisbee like a dog



what does your digital footprint say about you?

Today Mrs Grant showed us how to make an informed guess 
by reading on someone else's blog online. everyone can see this information 
and to share with integrity and we all have to make kind,positive,andhelpful comments 
online.Only share content your whanau will be proud of.

We are learning to learn how to use a touch pad

In the morning at 9.00  Mrs Grant showed us how to use a touchpad  properly and to do shortcuts on a keyboard   or a chromebook.  Then she did some slides for us to do and there was one for the years 4  and one for the year 5   but  Mrs Grant said some of the year 5’s can do the Year 4’s task too. So me and Tuakalau picked the first one. Then we needed to write a blog about our learning. And I can’t wait for Mrs Grant to come again. Here is a picture of the slide that me and Tuakalau  did: