Tag: Cybersmart

konichiwa, bulung, talofa lava, malo lelei ,and kia ora my name is Cosma

Kia ora! My name is Cosma, I go to Saint Patrick’s School. I am in Year 5 and my teacher is Mrs Agnew. My favourite subject is Maths and Reading and I enjoy learning about Space and cooking.  I am good at Soccer and helping people.  My goal for this year is to Learn about Maths. In my spare time I like  Walking my dog and riding my brothers



Every Monday our class goes to  the court down near room 7  &  8   to play basketball. Coach Tray teaches us

how to play basketball  and he has taught us how to dribble, do an over head pass, three point shot, chest pass, bounce pass.

All of our classmates were having fun.  We played some games,  shooting hoops dribbling back and forth.

We had to bounce the basketball to the other person. It was great and we got to wear our PE clothes and

we got to have some time to play basketball with everyone in our class. Here is a picture of us playing basketball.


Ki o Rahi

This term coach Chelsea is going to teach us a cool game called ki o rahi. Ki o rahi is based on the legend of Rahi and Tiara. It is a Maori game. Coach Chelsea taught us tagging games. One game was for two teams called Kimoa and Taniwha. When the coach called the Kimoa team, the Taniwha team had to run and tag Kimoa people so they could get a point. If coach Chelsea says Taniwha then the Kimoa team had to chase them. It was so much fun and we were tired at the end. Here is a picture of us playing.


How to make a tree hut

Last term we were learning about working together as a class and we read the story called “The Tree Hut Treaty.” At the end of the term our teacher said we were going to design and make our own tree huts at school. I was very excited and was one of the first people to bring my building stuff to class.

We stored all our things at the back of the classroom. Last week we started. I had a massive box  to use for my hut. First the base is made of  1 big box. I used the 4 sides with the 1 big box but there was a little thing sticking out of the top so I cut them off. Then I re glued them back on. This was the floor. 

Second, the roof I made out of the box as well but with wiggly cardboard and sellotaped it.

Third I made a mini chair, a mini fridge out of a juice box and a mini TV and put them inside. They looked cool. 

For  the  legs I used toilet paper rolls and then I stuck it under the tree hut with hot glue. Mrs Agnew had to help me because it was hard to get it to balance.

I decided not to paint my tree hut because it was so big but I covered it in material. I thought if I did that then it wouldn’t let the water in.

Then we tested our tree huts and we had 4 success criteria.  We had to make sure it could take the weight of 4 scissors inside it, which mine could. Then we had to see if water was coming inside our tree hut  and it didn’t so I was saved. We also had to put our tree huts in front of our class fan and count to 10 and hope they don’t fall over. The last thing was our hut mustn’t be taller than 50 cm. Mine was 50 cm. 

I enjoyed making my tree hut and trying to work out the problems that happened like how a person could get into the hut. I hope we can do something like this again. 



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